I have done some preliminary research for a concept of a pirate story. I am thinking of using Captain Kidd, primarily because he is a notable Scottish Pirate with a legendary buried treasure. My main concern with that is he has been to overdone. Or maybe that is just because I tend to read classic books like they are going out of style.
I really want a Scottish pirate because I want to write in that voice. Also, I have picked a port in
Okay so here is the concept, or at least as much as I am willing to share right now. The port is a known place for pirates to go when they retire, those who made it. Practically everyone has either been on a pirate ship one way or the other. Recently
The local who is the enforcer of said law is the son of a man who only went out to sea for a very brief time. Didn’t have the legs for it everyone says, but nobody really talks about it. The dad doesn’t talk much about it and just relies on what other people say about him.
That is the set up. Pretty mundane but there is a good foundation there.
Here is the stressor. Captain Kidd gets taken into custody and now there is talk of his treasure. Some one blurts out that the dad sailed on the Adventure Galley (Kidd’s Ship).
There is a bit more to it than that but I don’t want to give the story away.
Needless to say that there is a hunt for the treasure. That is where the whole intrigue lies, but there is something different standing in their way. I may have shared too much but I would appreciate some feedback about wither or not Kidd is too over done.
The truth is I like to use lore and existing Myth and rework them into something more hashed out or perhaps just something more interesting to me.
Also has the whole Pirates of the
1) Can you make Kidd only a secondary character spoken about in the background? Then it wouldn't matter. You have other main characters and not a story about Kidd.
2) Don't worry about pirates being supersaturated into society. By the time you finish, and I mean finish, the story, the glut will probably have died down.
Those are my non-expert opinions.