MS150 Musings

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I am borrowing this idea from my friend Kevin’s blog. His Monday Musings are one of the few things on the internet that I think are worth a regular read.

Lets muse.

There are only 4 types of people who ride in something like this.

1. The masochist

2.The schizophrenic sadist

3. The naturally padded

4. The stubborn

This is sort of unfair because everyone was really nice but when I hurt I don’t really care about fair.

I road 144 miles in two days. Yeah I know they call it the MS150 but… what do you mean it doesn’t count. You shut up! Shut up right now.

Its seems like a really weird deal that they have an event to fight MS 150 that naturally would preclude the participation of most people with MS. Then I realized that they do this because after about 55 miles in one day on a bike you start to feel some of the symptoms that a person with MS deals with daily.

I lost fine motor skills, could barely walk. And yes, I did this voluntarily.

John Brenne came up and let us sleep at his cabin. This was the only way we were going to get a real bed. He saved the day. It is not an understatement that if we had to camp I would not have made the whole ride. I would have also probably hurt someone.

After riding 70 miles in a day, I don’t want some chipper person, fresh off the sofa, to tell me I did a good job. I want the sofa.

I can only assume that MS is now vanquished. That was the deal right? If I ride 150(ish) miles in a day, MS has to die?

Pray for my wife. She is talking about doing this again next year. I am afraid we may have to check her into a mental hospital. When you can’t move because you hurt so much, you didn’t have fun. This is a general rule for life people.

Cycling is the only sport I know that when you “uniform” highlights every unflattering aspect of your body, you know if fits correctly.

The correct response when asked, “Hey do you want to ride in the MS 150?” is “I would love to donate. Who should I make the check out to?”

I am too tired to keep musing. Lets sleepppppppppppppppp………………..

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