Legacy: An NBA Myth

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Everybody is talking and getting fined over Lebron James’ summer. People are trying to factor in as many variables as possible that they claim Lebron will use to decipher where he is going to go.

My personal favorite for humor is his legacy.

“Lebron will go to the Knicks so his Legacy can be returning them to former glory.”

“Lebron is as concerned with his Legacy as he is with the money. He wants to know what his legacy will be.”

I am sorry, but what? Do you really think that Lebron cares about all that? If you do then you are only fooling yourself in an attempt to work out a scenario that puts him on your favorite team.

Here is the simple equation for where Lebron goes that should help clear things up.

(Salary + potential plus/minus in endorsement deals + team mates and winning potential (as it relates to potential plus/minus in endorsement deals)) * if he wants to go and play in that city = chance Lebron will end up on that team.

That is it. You might notice how much of a role money is playing in the whole thing. That is because Lebron has stated with no small amount of certainty that he wants to be a global icon.

That is Lebron’s legacy and he hasn’t really made any secret of it. He plays the game for the money and the fame. No surprise but that is what 98.9% of the league does it for.

Wilt Chamberlain would have never said anything like that or even have been able to dream of the salaries and fame the current NBA touts for its players. That is why his legacy is all about someone sacrificing everything for the win.

Lebron has been compared to Jordan over and over again and do you want to know what Jordan thinks his legacy is? HE DOESN’T YET! That’s right, up until his hall of fame speech he was still pondering another comeback.

Lebron hasn’t thought that far ahead yet and he really shouldn’t. He is doing what he wants to do with his life right now and we will find out what his legacy is when it is all said and done.

I don’t think we are going to see Lebron winning 6 titles. It seems like he is reaching the point in his career where such lofty goals are slipping away. Maybe that will be his legacy.

Don’t think that Dominic Wilkins set out to never win a championship. He played in a different era of the NBA where players stayed on a team for their whole career and he never really had the greatest shot at a championship.

So before you think of talking Lebron onto you team with the tantalizing prospects of saving a franchise and restoring former glory make sure that you have a really big check with his name on it. Otherwise you are going to be playing out the various trade scenarios that could have happened over the next 10 years.

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