Blogging: What to do

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I was considering taking down the blog of late, because I realized that I don't have that much to say which I would consider worth putting down. I have had my fun with funny, tried my hand at serious only to find the effort unrewarding and by far to laborious, so I was thinking it was time to say adieu.

But then I got this crazy idea to go for my dream of becoming an Architect. One semester of Community college later and boom, I got into the University of Minnesota.

How does that relate to the blog you might ask. Well, I am going to use this to vet my work and ideas for architecture school, keep you up to date on my pursuit of a dream and showcase some of my concepts.

You may have noticed a slight change in design over the past couple of days. Its all a part of the plan. Whatever blog becomes Architecture Student blog. If you have ideas for content let me know.

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