I have arthritis. Is there anything more dismal for a 26 year old man to say? Mine is however very painful on some occasions and completely unnoticeable on others.
Now it isn’t my intent to be bitter but rather to explain that I have been unable, or at the very least unmotivated as typing hurts to some extent, to write currently on the blog.
My arthritis is in my spine and when it acts up the right side of my chest cavity and sometimes my right arm are in pain. Right now it has felt as though I have a needle pushed threw my chest. It has felt that way since Sunday.
I currently only occasionally have pain that radiates into my arm and none of the alarming numbness that first sent me to the doctor to get a diagnosis. I have, however, concluded that the pain and numbness in the arm is a welcome distraction from the pain in my chest and have decided that it is preferable to have the combined pain of chest and arm then the singular unyielding pain by itself.
The contrast helps.
Do you know of any good specialists? I am really getting tired of periodically hurting to the point that I cannot but barely function.
Pretty much any Rheumatologist would be a good start. So would some ibuprofen, if you're not allergic.
Are you sure you're not having a heart attack instead?