“Where will you go?
You don’t have any money. You can barely take care of a dog let alone yourself.”
“There where only has to be not here.”
“I admit I am jealous of your fight but I just don’t think it is prudent.”
“Is it any less prudent then staying somewhere you don’t want to be?”
“I know it can be bad here, maybe even hell at times but I don’t think that is a sound reason to jump ship. Nobody voluntarily dives overboard during a storm.”
“Unless the boat is sinking and they think they have a shot at land. I know you don’t see it but I am dying here. I have to make a run for it. I have to try.”
“I know but…”
“Yeah. Nothing makes much sense. I guess that to me this is the thing that makes the most sense. Or maybe it is just the only shot at sense I can see.”
“I can’t go with you.”
“I am not asking you to.”
“But you know I cannot stand this place without you. And if you didn’t want me to go why did you tell me so far in advance.”
“Because you need to leave just as badly as I need to. You just cannot see it. I am hoping that you can work up the courage before its time.”
“How does someone like me work up courage?”
“By seeing everything there is to leave from and realizing that there is no limit to where leaving can take us.”
“You are asking me to look at the worst of this place and the best of leaving. What about looking at the best of this place and the worst of leaving?”
“I always figured you did enough of that for the both of us.”
“I am scared.”
“Of what?”
“Making a wrong decision.”
I'd feel it was little more realistic if they used contractions when talking:
"You just cannot see it. I am hoping that you can work up the courage before its time."
"You just can't see it. I'm hoping that you can work up the courage before it's time."