The Death of Faith, the Death of Hope
Published Wednesday, December 10, 2008 by Ted | E-mail this post
Religion is the dirty word of the 21st century. It is true that Churches and the people in them have vastly failed the standards they would claim as their guiding principles but the people are not the religion. The religion is rather the principles. And rather that finding one religion that might have a chance at being right, religion has been shunned by the masses.
Why? Because it is un-cool? Don’t flatter people that much. They claim it is because that all religions are man made so they would rather make up their own and call it spirituality. Guess what though, spirituality is just a personalized completely made up religion.
Now science wants to tell you that this is all by accident but they cannot even come up with how we existed. And before you tell me that evolution is the way we have come to pass, save it. Evolution within a species is evident but evolution from nothing to a single celled organism to the vast variety of species on the planet doesn’t hold water. Not with the science of today. Sorry, but I cannot buy into that myth without some proof.
You might argue that I bought into God without any proof. Fact is the same proof that you would have for evolution is to me more than enough for God. How could this world happen by accident? How could trees turn sunlight into power more efficiently than we can after decades of work spent trying too?
But that isn’t my point. Faith is under a great deal of scrutiny, or faith in God at least. It has become so unpopular that even people who believe in God have abandoned their beliefs for unfounded and loose theories about God. It is more acceptable to believe in a world and life as we know it belching from nothingness (which all theories pertaining to spontaneous life have been roundly disproved) than a creator.
Believe what you will. We are in a country and a time where that is afforded to everyone, but please don’t judge me for what I believe. And if you think there is a God, seek him. Don’t just play with the idea that there is a God. If you have standards, chances are the One who created you does as well. Make sure you have a good idea about what they are.
Nothing is never worth believing in.
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