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I was surprised today to find out that Barrack Obama would not be sworn into office today. Instead it would be the Undead Lincoln highbred known as Obamalincoln. Okay, actually it is only every media outlet in the world that wants you to believe that Obama and Lincoln are exactly the same and that Obama will emancipate us from the slavery of war and banks and big bad republicans.

On a slight side note I heard people on the radio this morning discussing wither or not they were taking the day off of work for Inauguration Day. I don’t remember that being a holiday.

But more to my point it that were there are very small similarities to Barack Obama and Lincoln, they do not run very deep.

Barack Obama has already received a very large swell of support. Lincoln was even the favorite in his party when the convention came to Chicago where Lincoln was nominated for his first term. In fact Lincoln’s greatest show of support came just after his assassination. Booth popularized Lincoln as a martyr for the country that in many regards felt he had mismanaged the war.

Lincoln started a civil war. He could have abdicated his position and allowed the southern states to continue with slavery and succeed from The Union but he refused and instead gathered troops to fight against their fellow countrymen, not a popular move at the time but in retrospect clearly the right one. If he holds to his campaigning, Barack Obama will stop war. Two polar opposites for men who are being compared to each other.

There are more contrasts and I haven’t taken the time to indulge in the similarities. Other outlets have covered those thoroughly enough, but here is my point. Barack Obama is not Abraham Lincoln. We need to let him be his own President and leave the comparisons for a later time.

Besides, the last thing this country needs is anything to happen to this man. So let’s not connect him to a man who was martyred for his cause.

I don’t agree with his politics but he is now responsible for trying to fix a failing system. My prayers go out to him and his family that he might have wisdom, insight and health.

1 Responses to “Obamalincoln”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I love that picture! Too funny.

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