BORS: It’s a pleasure to be on such a well rounded and appreciated source of news and humorous anecdotes.
Me: I think you are thinking of something different. I have like 2 readers.
BORS: That’s not true. I know for a fact that Barack reads blogs such as yours every morning to keep himself grounded into the daily conversations that are taking place throughout the country and the world.
Me: Blogs such as mine but not mine. Trust me.
BORS: Let’s not argue. It seems to me that, like many Americans, you have lost the audacity to hope even in something as simple as readership in your blog.
Me: So you want to talk about the book huh?
BORS: Do you mean Barack’s book that so many people regardless of race, social class or health were not only able to relate to, but also greatly effected their life? I hadn’t even considered it.
Me: I got to admit for a shoe you are pretty good at this.
BORS: You see that! American’s have become so complacent and so accepting of mediocrity. Are you aware that most shoes in France have some form of higher education? We are falling behind!
Me: Not only am I confused, but I am slightly worried and I am not sure why.
BORS: It’s because of the games being perpetuated by the politicians in Washington. When the President, for now, cried wolf the whole congress jumped to war but Barack didn’t. Why? Because he is in Washington but he hasn’t given in to Washington.
Me: So far you have managed to say nothing in the most impressive and meaningful way possible. What do you have to say about the skeptics labeling your guy inexperienced?
BORS: Listen, you don’t have to walk down every street to know where it leads to. Barack understands the challenges that face him and realizes that during these trying times that the best people must be in Washington, forging across party lines, to redirect the American people back towards the greatness we were founded upon.
Me: It becoming clear that you are not going to answer my questions directly. Okay, what is the campaign platform that Obama will be using for his Presidential bid.
BORS: The American People.
Me: That is technically not a platform. At the very least not a traditional one.
BORS: Again, the traditions of Washington are what we need to be braking apart from. Barack has proven time and time again that he will not be molded to the standards of others.
Me: I see. Anything else you want to tell the 2 to 3 people who happen across this blog about you candidate.
BORS: Yeah! There is so much left to tell, but I have a feeling that the public is going to spend the next decade getting to know my guy.
Me: So nothing really?
BORS: Let me say this. As Barack’s shoe, when he puts me on in the morning he doesn’t spend the day walking on me but rather walking with me. Its that difference that he wants to bring to Washington.
Me: That was impressive. I have to say that you guys’ speech writer is amazing.
BORS: What’s even more impressive is the shared views that the writers and Barack carry as their challenge to Washington. With people focused on change, America cannot lose.
Me: …
That was pretty cool. Rather like the interview with the KFC Biscuit.
I am attempting to be Kevin. Its my hope and dream.