When I was a small boy I made "The Fastest Car Ever". I know the name wasn't flashy but TFCE was my car and dang nabit I loved it.
Over a 6 year campaign I won basically every race ever. I was responsible for making nearly 25,000 boys drop out of scouts. That is nearly twice as many as creepy scout masters.
But when the time came for me to give up my box wood derby obsession and start chasing gals I didn't just want to put old TFCE on a self to gather dust. So I did want any other person who loved their car would do.
I sold him for a heavy profit to the boy scout hall of fame, where it now sits. Of course they claimed that I bought it off of a group of highly trained scouts and modified it using scout principles but in all honesty it is a kit car that I bought in a small magic shop in Chicago.
Today marked the TFCE's 20th Birthday. So they took it out and raced TFCE against the reigning champion. TFCE set a new land speed record. Guess he was just never meant to be caged up.
You go TFCE. You show the world that you are 20 years young!
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