Wonder Woman to Sit Down with Lindsey Lohan

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In a last ditch effort to straighten out Lindsey Lohan’s drug and alcohol addictions, Wonder Woman has agreed to take some time out of her busy schedule to talk with the budding star.

Absent of late from the U.S. super hero scene, Wonder Woman has been taking some “me time” in Australia while do pro bono super hero work in Indonesia. “I realized that in spending all my time addressing the needs of others, I had forgotten what my own needs were.” Wonder Woman said at a press conference in France.

With reports of a new Wonder Woman movie surfacing in Hollywood, the classic hero decided it was time to come back to the U.S. and do a little house cleaning. “There has been a dramatic drop off in super hero activity in the Northern Hemisphere, in part because of economic conditions, but also many super heroes felt that the rest of the world needed some attention.

Bruce Wayne, AKA Batman, from his villa in Chili released a statement encouraging Wonder Woman’s return to the limelight of California. “She always had a way with camera and to be honest I feel like she is the best equipped to handle the growing problems that face that community. I fully support her efforts and encourage her to make a difference in the lives of the people there.”

Robin, who recently left the Wayne fold, has since left the hero gig for a work in snuff films. He was unavailable for a comment but his publicist stated he wished her luck and would welcome the chance to work with her in the professional capacity.

Meanwhile Wonder Woman has been buffing up on the recent press releases and other various media venues as they pertain to Lindsey Lohan so that there can be some substance to the conversation they are set to have in rehab in the following weeks. “I really want to make sure that I give a positive message that is tailored to her life. I want her to see that I am making an effort to reach her by knowing what she is facing and what she has been going thru.”

Wonder Woman also stated that if all else failed she would take her up to about a mile and threaten to drop her unless she stops the drugs and alcohol.

1 Responses to “Wonder Woman to Sit Down with Lindsey Lohan”

  1. Blogger Sarah 

    A villa in Chili? WIth or without beans?

    I assume you meant Chile? But that's funny :)

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