Liberal policies protect idiots.
Published Monday, January 30, 2006 by Ted | E-mail this post
Okay so we need to talk, Washington D.C. You are supposed to represent what your constituents want but you have pretty much completely lost it. I mean it is clear from history that our current form of government, democracy for those of you who have just moved here or are to busy using the system to learn about it, is the best form available and by far the least accessible for the corrupt to overtake. However there is a bit of hypocrisy inherit in the system. Democracy is the right of the people to rule themselves but the people making the laws don’t live in the reality that the most of the population does. Why is it that the people making the driving laws no longer drive themselves? Or how is it that the only people who get to be heard on gun control are the psychos who want everyone to have a sniper full automatic missile launcher in each hand and seventy five back up weapons or the people who refuse to own a gun, shake the hand that has shot a gun, watch a movie with a gun in it, or consort with people who wont daily curse Smith & Wesson. That is what the people think. I don’t want everyone to have the gun of Rambo but at the same point I don’t think a person who takes precaution and knows gun safety can’t have a hunting rifle because it makes some weirdo twenty five thousand miles away feel safer. Just a hint to the weirdos; even if you make guns illegal I doubt that the people braking the laws are going to pay attention to that law. You might ask yourself what brought this on. Well this weekend the people in front of me on the highway got into an accident and there was no way possible to stop my vehicle and because I live the short green bus liberal state of Minnesota my insurance will go up and I will have to pay for somebody else’s car accident. In a car accident 99.9997246% of the time it is one person’s fault for generally sucking or making a mistake, but in Minnesota the previous liberal congressmen while riding around in the back of their limos decided to protect the 0.0002754% of people who could possibly get a bad rap that they would screw the general public instead. Now when I make a mistake I want leniency but I am grown up enough to take responsibility for my actions. In Minnesota the general public has to take it for so that just in case of that 0.000274% actually hits you that you are protected. So basically put the liberals value the slightest minority over the general good. Now I am a republican. (Note that I don’t capitalize the parties’ names. They represent me not the other way around.) I don’t agree with liberal policies because they are, in a word, stupid and not worth my time. I know that is kind of blunt but liberal policies is anti-democratic. The majority in liberal thinking is not represented but the minority. The minority rules the people where as the mass consensus of the people or the majority rule themselves in the republican policies. I know that everyone can’t be happy at all times but there is a middle ground where people can be happy. I know that killing people can’t make anyone happy but the death penalty works. Look at the steady decline in the respect given to the laws as we slowly reduce the punishments. I support the right for the law abiding citizens to live over the right of the murders to continue living. That may sound cold blooded but it is what works with people. I don’t think that people should kill all of nature to further the mini-mall and mega mall explosion but I also don’t agree with the concept that if a person “kills” a tree that a hippy is then given the right to blow up a major sporting event. (Not that I am worried that they will actually accomplish their revenge on man. I have seen to many Steven Segal movies to fall for that.) Its just that I want the law to protect the innocent more often then it protects the guilty and lets face it; You are innocent no matter what you did in America.
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