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Other people like them, adore them, make the term obsessed seem like a vast understatement, but for me I would prefer to live my life without them. Yet the real question remains as to the reason for my shaky relationships with cats.

Does my hate stem from my inability to breath around them due to allergies, the uppity nature of a cat, the fact that they are disgusting and bath in their own saliva… Well we could sit here all day and point fingers as to why I don’t like cats or we could simply put me in a room with cats then analyze the footage. I decided the later would be more productive so here are the results of the study.

Room with angry cat

Okay. So there is me and there is the hissing ball of unmerited fury. I believe the way we got the cat angry was to show it the picture of a cat that was “prettier” than she is.

Okay now this is the point where I start to wheeze and cough because of the cat’s dander. Seriously would it hurt the thing to bath in actual water once and a while.

And here is everyone’s favorite part where the cat adheres itself to my skull via its claws. Clearly the option to go with the de-clawed cat would have been better.

My natural response was to grab the cat by the tail and beat it against the wall so as soon as I got it off of my head that is what I did.

And finally, here is the part where PITA sues me on behalf of the animal.


Yeah, that was pretty brutal. We had a series of 13 other rooms with cats in them but I have decided that I am not going into another room like that. Besides I have to go to the hospital to get my eye socket stitched shut. If you like cats this blog was not meant to offend you but consequently we have 37 cats that we got for this experament and with my allergies I cannot move back into my room until we find new homes for all of them. Would you like another cat?

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