Let’s just face it. In our country pretty much everyone hates everyone and has good reason to do so. Nobody really cares about war. They just don’t like President Bush, possibly because he is from Texas, and this is a reason to hate him. Republicans hate democrats and democrats hate everything that isn’t organic and Republicans.
Face it; you hate me for posting on this blog. You have held in your feelings for far to long. Whither it is the cut of my jib, or the way I conjugate my verbs, you cannot stand the fact that I am alive.
You hate “my God” because you claim he is mean even though you know little about him.
You hate my hair because I don’t keep it well trimmed or because it is too well trimmed and not hippie enough.
You don’t like the music I like but when I am not around you tell people that my taste in music clearly points to a low IQ and the personality of a pet rock.
When you see me in the street you cannot believe I “wore that in public”.
You consider me a disgrace to the race and truly believe that we would be better off as humans is I was no longer breathing and spewing my God around.
No matter what I do you hate me because hating is what Americans do. We hate everything and try to disguise it as an expression of who we are and what we stand for.
You hate that people move to this country and don’t learn the language.
You hate our government because it is full of corrupt people, unless of course you voted for them. In which case they are not corrupt but cannot fight the corruption of “Washington.”
You hate you neighbor because his job is better than yours, or at least he gets paid more.
You hate your parents for the way they always treated you like you were a kid in elementary school.
You hate your parents for not caring.
You hate Al Gore for being a completely characterless figure. I mean he is basically a poster.
You hate John McCain. You don’t need to explain it though.
You hate everyone who is unwilling to see things the way you see them, claiming that others are narrow minded.
Well, that is the real state of our Union. We bicker and fight over so many things claiming that everyone else is to blame. Maybe, just maybe it isn’t everyone else. Maybe, just maybe it’s you. Maybe you hate everyone else because you are not happy. Maybe, instead of telling everyone else to change, its time for you to do a little work on the good old number one.
Or maybe you hate me too much right now to even listen to what I have had to say.