The Season of Running

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Fall is the season of running. Running where you might ask? To the finish line of a number of various marathons of course. Lets try to keep the rest of the questions from being stupid okay.

With nearly 150 thousand marathons utilizing the road in front of your house this year, you will feel almost summoned to your feet and compelled to join in with the running. You should avoid doing this at all cost. Joining in with the runners will only cause you further embarrassment, as you will most likely miss you own wedding or some such occasion.

The real question is where did all these people, hell bent on destroying their joints, come from? Well, Oregon, but there is a bit more to it than that. This eclectic group of thousands of people who are willing to drive hundreds of miles in their cars for the opportunity to run 26 miles next to people they don’t know were at one point in time like you.

They used to work next to you and watch football games at the bar next too you. Heck, some of them even used to be you, but now, with an overwhelming capsize of common sense, have traded their small paunch for inevitable knee surgery.

What caused this change of heart? I thought I told you good questions. No, I don’t want to use my blog to debate the merit of your questions. All right, I will answer this one. Boredom, most likely is the culprit.

Also, some blame falls on endorphins and then there is an inevitable amount that Hollywood takes for over glamorizing the life of the modern runner. Furthermore Balco needs to take some of the heat for creating so much stir around the industry with the new super athletics they are creating.

Remember, when the call of spending money to run beckons to you that you are too smart to fall for that sort of thing and sit back down on the couch and finish that bag of chips you started. Your American anyway, what do you have to run from?

2 Responses to “The Season of Running”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    So, what you're trying to say here is that I'm a genius, right?

  2. Blogger Ted 


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