Americana Barf

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It seems like every couple of weeks somebody is running for some public office and it is a scramble for each candidate to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that one is more patriotic than another. This manifests itself in the form of a banner, patch, or logo that is so ridden with stripes, stars, and the old red and blue that Benjamin Franklin’s dust remains weep every time one such logo is produced.

I am not sure if you are aware but sometime in the next 10 years there will be a presidential election. Now I am not going to go through each candidate’s logo and damage all of your minds but I am going to show you the battle between each party to be more patriotic.

This is the RNC’s Logo for its convention in 2008. They went with the patch that can be sown onto various shirts such as the Boy Scouts of America. They created a powerful elephant that is up on its hind legs and proving its immense power. Also, for no apparent reason there is a large portion of the torso, in stripes, that has gone missing. This will assuredly kill the beast in a few short moments but a few short moments is all it needs. In addition, in hopes of completely undermining any sense of power the elephant’s eye has been replaced with a star. They did this so you would know that this elephant is fabulous baby!

The DNC went with the more desperate approach, what is know in the biz as the Red, White, and blue Blitz. They want you to know that they are so patriotic its freaking absurd. The red sky just to make it known that they will spill blood if it comes to that nestled over the blue mountains which… okay there is no explanation for blue mountains. Notice the crazy big 0 in the 08. That 0 is as big as the dreams of the average Americans! The stars are so big they are even in front of the mountain! The two biggest stars are Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, but you probably already knew that. Also the left side of the logo is torn with stripes giving it an oddly “E” effect. This is to tell the world that the DNC is the party for Everyone!

So enjoy your day and remember… I am more patriotic than you are!

1 Responses to “Americana Barf”

  1. Blogger Roger 

    Ted is America or Ted is a Bear? Or Bears for America?

    Poor three-toed bear.

    Or maybe...Ted is a Sloth?

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