If a person goes on-line into a portal, referred to as the Internet, they can find what is called a website. Apparently this blog is one such “site”. But I don’t want to talk about my website today. Today I would like to talk with you about the build-a-bear site.
I know what you are going to say. “But Ted, how can a bear dressed up in tiny women’s lingerie be even remotely enjoyable.” Well, unless you are a very sick individual or a woman, it cannot. That is why I am proposing a few updates to the sight to increase profit and drive website optimization.
Firstly, the bears need to be robotic. If I want a black bear that can be my servant/mechanic and also teach me Russian, I would think this should be a service they would offer. How many people would by a mechanic bear, you might ask? How many people own cars? Okay well 15 more than that.
Also there should be some weaponry accessories. Right now you can pick from shoes and hats and all other kinds of unnecessary items. What I want is the dilemma of wither or not to pick the shoulder mounted rocket launcher or the backpack missile launch platform.
And instead of clothing how about some body armor. Get a nice Kevlar vest to help the bears against enemy fire. Perhaps even a hat with a two-way communicator so they could call back to base for further orders.
Lastly, I think they should be sold in Platoons or at the very least companies. Unless you get an assassin bear, in which case one to two should be enough.
Naturally these bears would be for entertainment purposes only, but if the guy up north can have an AK-47 just to say he owns one, why shouldn’t I be able to have a small bear army?
This bear is a constitutional right under the "pursuit of happiness."