26 Years of Living

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Its that time of year again where I pull out the candles and turn off the fire alarm. I know that in the grand scheme of things that being 26 years old is pretty much a drop in the bucket, but hey, its all I can relate to. I thought I would share the wisdom that I have used to shape my life. Don’t worry tomorrow we will get back to the pointless drivel.

1.) Nothing is so serious that you cannot laugh at it. I have laughed harder at a funeral than some people have at a joke. To often men attempt to be rigid and tough and miss out on truly enjoying life. Laughter is the great medicine. I try to take as large a dose of it as I can, whenever I can.

2.) Everything can be enjoyable. Carpe Diem is a motto that gets tossed around more that a fresh salad. If you look for ways to enjoy the simple things in life you will find them. Allow for a cup of tea to be a great pleasure. Let a walk with someone you care about be the highlight of you week. You don’t have to live a blockbuster to have a great life, you just have to love the life you lead.

3.) Turn off the TV and look. See what you have and think about the creature comforts that you enjoy. Too often mankind lets the weight of the world bear down on them and they miss what they have. I have so many things that are not necessary to life. I have a great set up for watching movies and some great tea. I have a computer and a lot of games. I have friends who care about me and trust in me. I have so much. How could the things I don’t have ever compare with those that I do?

4.) Say I love you. Let the people who you care for know. Love isn’t a scary thing. It’s a blessing and can sustain people thru hard times.

They are simple rules but they have allowed me to truly relax and enjoy my life to its full portion. Thanks for reading by the way. I am humbled that you come here for your daily dose of borderline crazy.

2 Responses to “26 Years of Living”

  1. Blogger Roger 

    You sound very mature for 26. Happy birthday, if it is, in fact, your BD today.

  2. Blogger Ted 

    Yesterday was, in fact, my 26th Birthday. As for sounding mature... I will see what I can do about that.

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