1.) Brett Favre was throwing the ball around with Super Man and had to take a little bit off of it.
2.) Brett Favre made Hercules wet himself.
3.) If none of his receivers are open, Brett Favre simply throws it to an open receiver in the future.
4.) Brett Favre went back in time and fathered the entire Roster for the 1972 Dolphins. The only team to ever go undefeated.
5.) Brett Favre’s right arm is immortal.
6.) Brett Favre’s eyes are so keen that he can look into the soul of a player and see if he is ready to catch the ball.
7.) Brett Favre can block up to three players by himself from the shot gun formation.
8.) Brett Favre is actually 18 feet tall. He just slouches to make everyone else feel good.
9.) The use of an offensive line is not necessary with Brett Favre. They are simply there to make the other team feel good.
10.) Brett Favre never throws an interception. He simply throws one periodically to the other team in order to seem more like a mere mortal.
11.) Brett Favre got angry once. He would like to apologize to Atlantis.
12.) The Packers have to coat all the balls Brett Favre will throw with the same material that keeps the space shuttle from burning upon reentry.
13.) Brett Favre is the cure for cancer.
14.) Kevlar is fashioned after Brett Favre’s skin.
15.) The Arc of the Covenant is hidden next to the Holy Grail inside Brett Favre.
16.) Brett Favre has achieved unassisted flight.
17.) In the late 1980’s the moon was destroyed by a freak missile accident. The US government had Brett Favre throw a new one up.
18.) Guns are modeled after Brett Favre’s arm.
19.) Brett Favre hunts with footballs.
20.) Brett Favre has killed 18 recievers by throwing a ball clean through them.
21.) During one of his many time traveling experiences, Brett Favre invented football.
22.) Brett Favre discovered fire.
23.) Brett Favre does not shave. He commands his facial hair.
24.) Brett Favre invented the pig so he could make the first football.
25.) Brett Favre was all three of the wise men that searched for the Christ child.
26.) Under his big red coat, Santa wears a Favre jersey.
27.) Brett Favre took a bite out of crime.
28.) Brett Favre took on a tornado and won.
29.) Brett Favre was forged in the fires of Mount Doom.
30.) All of the Marvel comic super heroes are fashioned after various traits of Brett Favre.
31.) Brett Favre’s heart dwells inside the chest cavity of John Madden.
32.) The US Army makes tanks so Brett Favre doesn’t have to enlist.
33.) Every time Brett Favre runs in a touchdown he throws the ball to God as a souvenir.
34.) Brett Favre has thrown a football out of this universe on several occasions.
35.) Brett Favre wears a helmet and shoulder pads because they make him.
36.) Brett Favre folds inch thick steel into origami.
37.) Brett Favre ate Dick Butkus.
38.) Brett Favre had to get a conceal and carry license in order to wear long sleeves.
39.) Both of Brett Favre’s cleats weigh 85 pounds in order to slow him down to everybody else’s speed.
40.) Muhammad Ali called himself the greatest but later confessed that he thought everyone knew he meant after Brett Favre.
41.) Brett Favre is Batman.
42.) Brett Favre watched an episode of 24 and his response was “So what.”
43.) On July 20, 1969 when the US landed on the moon, they retrieved nearly 50 of the footballs Brett Favre had thrown up there.
44.) The Mars rover was knocked off of Mars by an errant Brett Farve pass. He was trying to finish the face he was making on the surface of the alien planet.
45.) When Brett Favre’s son tells his friends that “My dad can beat up your dad” they all agree.
46.) When Brett Favre goes to the zoo the lions hide.
47.) Brett Favre got into a staring contest with a snake and the snake blinked first.
48.) Brett Favre’s house is completely nonflammable because his intensity causes spontaneous combustion.
49.) Brett Favre’s car runs on his personal drive.
50.) Brett Favre threw a football through the earth to a sick boy in China.
51.) Brett Favre has thrown autographed balls to children in the future.
52.) Brett Favre can stare directly at an eclipse.
53.) Brett Favre isn’t allowed to participate in ultimate fighting for the safety of the other contestants.
54.) Brett Favre broke the Wolverines arm.